Long Beach Comic Con Favorites and Photo Gallery

For a full rundown of my time at LBCC, head over to RealOtakuGamer.com. In the meantime, I made a list of favorites for you! These are a few of my favorite things. *hums*

Favorite Artist

This was the hardest, because there were SO many great artists. In the end, my choice came down to which prints made me FEEL something, not just looked awesome or had fun mashups.

Jean Kang captured my heart with her funny portrayal of Superman and Batman’s relationship, her female superhero-centric work, and especially her pin-ups! Each print formed a connection for me, and I will be looking for her at the next convention so I can buy all of them!

I apologize for a case of the blurries! 😦 This is Jean with one of her pin ups!

Favorite Vendor

There were some awesome vendors at LBCC this year, selling everything from knit wookie purses to Wonder Woman baby bibs! However, my heart was won over by the delightfully spooky hair pins of Hairy Scary! I wanted them SOOOOO bad. Especially this one adorable silver skull butterfly pin! She doesn’t have an online shop, so make sure to check out her website to find out when you can catch her at another con!

LindaLu with her fancy hats!

Favorite Free Comic Book

I received The Incredible Hulk Variant Edition 1 (Hulk: Asunder Part One), Reed Gunther Buckin’ Bear, and a Warshop preview. This one was also hard, because they were all so different. Warshop was a futuristic, mysterious little preview, Buckin’ Bear was cute and funny, and The Hulk was The Hulk in his natural form: smashing things.

So this was a draw. Get it? I digress: there were so many talented artists here. How could I choose?

Favorite Cosplay

Cosplay is a truly subjective thing. Some admire construction talent, some admire faithfulness to the subject matter, and some admire originality. Personally, I go with personality! And it was STILL hard to choose! But in the end, my personal bias towards female superheroes won out!

Kat Sheridan was the statuesque beauty portraying one of my favorite superheroes: Wonder Woman! We had a little chat in which she laughed at my jokes (surefire way to win me over), suffered through my boyfriend’s horrible picture-taking skills, and even promised me a shout-out in a promo for her new web series Just Cos. The series is a comedy about – you guessed it – cosplay and geek culture! I’m excited to check it out, and will update this with a link to the show as soon as it becomes available. Follow her on Twitter for updates in the meantime!

Notice how much she is bending down and how much taller she STILL is than me, lol.

Favorite Car

The DeLorean, KITT, Magnum PI‘s (borrowed) Ferrari and the Party Wagon were all on display outside the convention. So which one drove away with my heart?

Party Wagon. That wasn’t even hard. Even though KITT kept trying to chat me up. >_>

Favorite Compliment

“I love your necklace!”

Thanks Mandie, for my Geeky Glamorous necklace! 😉

Photo Gallery

All the rest of my pictures from the day!

The DeLorean.

Tanya Tate as She-Ra! Check out her site at justalottatanya.com

My favorite picture of the night, lol.



Long Beach Comic Con car show!

Ferrari from Magnum PI.

Half of the Umbrella Corp family pose with the red skull

The other half of the RE family.

Stormtrooper Mashup!

The Saber Guild. Like them on FB by clicking this picture!

Baby Avengers!

Beautiful ladies!

My friend gathered all the Star Wars cosplayers into one family photo!


Black Widow, lady Punisher (or Vendetta), and I presume a Sith lord? Correct me if I’m wrong!

5 thoughts on “Long Beach Comic Con Favorites and Photo Gallery

  1. Pingback: Holiday Comic Book Guide! |

  2. Incredible article! Fun for all ages & even ppl who dont know anything about comics. Gives an insider look on the best tiny Con out there. Thanks LBC.

  3. Pingback: Long Beach Comic Con | REAL OTAKU GAMER

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